After you have gathered your material you are in position to determine exactly what it is you want your audience to carry away with them when you are finished. Since speaking, especially a discussion of God’s Word, is for the purpose of conveying ideas to the mind of another, the thoughts we hope to convey in a talk should be very clearly defined in our own mind first. This means working up an outline.Ģ Selecting the main thoughts.

It is to our advantage to follow this same practice in preparing our talks. How can the theme and main points of a talk be determined?ġ Said Gospel writer Luke to his friend Theophilus: “I resolved also, because I have traced all things from the start with accuracy, to write them in logical order to you.” ( Luke 1:3) So, having done research, having collected an array of facts relating to his subject, he set about organizing them in understandable sequence. you can listen easily and there is a flow to it all. esp the conclusionĮxtemporaneous talks are great. My only vice is to have the first line of the talk written down and the final sentences of the conclusion as they are important for me to get right. I didn't think it could be done but it was purely fear and self reliance. I have seem some where they are little icons or doodles for points/illustrations/examples. How you remind yourself is up to the individual. Someone once advised me that when you know what you want to say (through thorough research) you can remind yourself with very little on the page. it is a milestone when you can talk from an outline rather than typed out. I have trained myself to wait for others to look up the scriptures now As of now i use paper for my own outline and a separate sheet for my scriptures.

If i can do my own note with links to scriptures 'in the notes' I might go that route. I still like a hard copy of notes with me when giving talks, although I'm getting better on just using the outline to remind me. If the talk outlines do come to JW Library, then you could add your talk notes to them using the study notes feature.